I appreciate your viewing my work and here is a little bit about me. I have been a Marketing Designer for going on 20 plus years now. I am pretty unique on my free time I enjoy putting together 1000 piece puzzles and playing pool, drawing and painting and learning new code and best practices through gamification. The meeting of science, math and art has always fascinated me on a spatial level. And as you probably already guessed after viewing my portfolio, my other hobbies include taking care of animals. I am also an animal activist and contribute in my spare time to helping and donating to causes which has included dog walking and pet care services to raise money. Which is why you have seen several examples of this in my portfolio! But mostly I just love helping people and animals and try to inspire others towards greatness.

Thank you for viewing my work. I truly believe that we are all connected and that design helps to connect us further. I look forward to meeting you and working with you on your next big project! I can contacted by e-mail at dc@creativejuicesflowing.com